Friday, April 17, 2009

A Righty in a Lefty's World

After reading my last entry I'm sure it's fairly easy to recognize the fact that I'm right-brained. Very right-brained. Getting myself motivated to read hundreds of pages and write multiple papers has been quite the challenge this year. I've enjoyed it though. It's been rough, but, it's been good. Before I came to Ozark I never would have picked up 1/2 of the books I've read this year--ever. And they're all really good. I've learned so much from them.

Surrounding myself with primarily left-brained intellectuals has been interesting, too. I've never been one to just go and research something for hours just because I enjoy it or always arrive at my destination 5 minutes early. However, that's the people I've been around for the past 8 months. This, also, has been a challenge--especially at first. I really struggled with relating to people at the beginning of the year. But as the year has progressed I've found myself slowly conforming to the left-brainer's way of thinking. I want to research things. I enjoy debating topics thoroughly. It's weird. I don't quite know what to do with myself.

Now that I'm beginning to relate to all these crazy intellectuals (whom I dearly love), I get to go join the art department at Harding University next fall. So I'll be back to my roots with art freaks (I use that term as a compliment) who don't like to read unless there are pictures on the page. --This isn't exactly that big of an exaggeration. While in her art class, my sister's professor was talking about the reading they were assigned and went over all the pages that didn't have pictures because none of the students had read them.--

I'll love being back with them. I know I will--that's where I belong. However I will miss stressing over papers and debating the Sermon on the Mount. I will miss reading books with no pictures and I will miss my Bible classes so much. I'll have to take one Bible class a semester at Harding, however they will be nothing like Ozark.

I'm glad I got one year of Bible college in before art school. It's been good for me. Hopefully though when I go to Harding I'll be more balanced on both sides of my brain instead of being on one extreme.

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